Acoustic Rating Systems
 2024/08/21 | View:69

Choosing the right acoustic material can get tricky at times. Each acoustic material has its own unique property it can contribute to your 

Choosing the right acoustic material can get tricky at times. Each acoustic material has its own unique property it can contribute to your building acoustics. And the materials are often classified on the basis of their soundproofing performance. And honestly, to someone who has no idea on what the rating systems are, those numbers will all be just jargon.

The soundproofing performance is determined on the basis of three types of acoustic rating systems. These are namely:

1.Noise Reduction Coefficient 

The Noise Reduction Coefficient rating represents the average sound absorption coefficient of materials. It indicates how much sound the absorber can absorb. 

NRC is measured on a scale from 0 to 1. 0 means that the material absorbs no sound and 1 means the material has the ability to absorb 100% of the sound.

2.Sound Transmission Class 

3.Impact Insulation Class 

Acoustical thermal panels

Floor underlayment

Soundproof membrane

Soundproof drywall





For careful consideration to find the right acoustic materials for your buildings, it is best to understand their rating systems. These rating systems will give you a good idea of how much soundproofing you will achieve with the material you choose.

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